Mana Foods Vitamin Room

Practice safe sun... Our suggestions on reef safe and human safe skin care!

Practice safe sun... Our suggestions on reef safe and human safe skin care!

Practice safe sun... Our suggestions on reef safe and human safe skin care!

Solutions to cold & flu season? Here's what we recommend!

Solutions to cold & flu season? Here's what we recommend!

Yes, we still get colds in Hawaii, and some of you may be current living proof of this fact. And, while we're not doctors and definitely advise you to use your best judgement on health related issues, there are a few products that we've found to be most helpful in ridding and preventing the common cold and flu. 

Essential Oils - A Booming Industry Where The Brand DOES Matter!

Essential Oils - A Booming Industry Where The Brand DOES Matter!

Meet Veriditas Botanicals, Where Organic Is The celebrated Norm & Environmentally Green Business Practices Are A Guarantee!