Think Local

May's bag credit earnings are going to St. Anthony's School!

May's bag credit earnings are going to St. Anthony's School!

Support our local community by bringing a bag to shop at Mana! Every time you bring your own bag when you shop with us, we donate to our monthly recipient. This month’s bag credit earnings are going to St. Anthony’s School. It’s a win-win- supporting education while being eco-friendly!

May's bag credit earnings are going straight to St. Anthony's School!

May's bag credit earnings are going straight to St. Anthony's School!

Support our local community by bringing a bag to shop at Mana! Every time you bring your own bag when you shop with us, we donate to our monthly recipient. This month’s bag credit earnings are going to St. Anthony’s School. It’s a win-win- supporting education while being eco-friendly!

Maui Chili Chili Oil... A local couple and their local product!

Maui Chili Chili Oil... A local couple and their local product!

“It was because they said so” - that was the real reason why Deron and Kit got into the chili oil business during the pandemic. The Wailuku husband-and-wife team seemed to accidentally fill a void in the food scene on Maui when their family and friends encouraged them to sell bottles of their own chili oil. The unexpected success encouraged both to expand, and now they’re answering the challenge to produce more to meet the demand. Here is a bit about their story and their local product!

July's bag credit earnings are going straight to St. Anthony's School!

July's bag credit earnings are going straight to St. Anthony's School!

Support our local community by bringing a bag to shop at Mana! Every time you bring your own bag when you shop with us, we donate to our monthly recipient. This month’s bag credit earnings are going to St. Anthony’s School. It’s a win-win- supporting education while being eco-friendly!

Mana's Bag Credit Program is in it for the environment, especially during January...

Mana's Bag Credit Program is in it for the environment, especially during January...

This month’s (January’s) bag credit earnings are all being donated to Conservation Council For Hawai’i, making this month a double whammy for the environment! Here’s why this is worth mentioning…