Open Daily: 8am-8:30pm 

Voted "Community Business of the Year" by Maui County!


Mana Foods is so honored to have been awarded Community Business of the Year from the County of Maui!

“On behalf of the people of the County of Maui, it is my pleasure to honor you for receiving the Community Business of the Year award at the Maui Nonprofit Directors Annual Meeting and Leadership Awards at The Maui Arts and Cultural Center. Your success as a business is a testament to your hard work, dedication and genuine care for our community.”

“You are to be commended for your service to our residents and visitors over the years. Maui county would not have ‘mana’ without Mana Foods. We truly appreciate you as part of our ‘Ohana and express our deepest gratitude for everything you have done.” -Michael P. Victorino (Mayor, County of Maui)

Thank you so very much to Susun White and The Paia Youth and Cultural Center for nominating us, and to the County of Maui for honoring us with this award!

“Mana Foods is one of the most continually generous businesses to all nonprofits on Maui. They provide materials and food for many local events and choose a nonprofit for each month to donate money towards. They donate 5 cents for every bag that a person brings in on their own. This doesn’t seem like much, but these nickels end up to hundreds of dollars. Please go to their website to view the list of bag donations. On top of this, and very quietly with little press, for the past eight years they have supported the Paia Youth & Cultural Center’s (PYCC) Paia Bay Cafe Life Skills Program with a gift card for $250 a month… The PYCC Paia Bay Cafe has a daily cooking class for our youth members– 9-18 years old. The class prepares a meal that feeds a minimum of 30 youth per day. Oftentimes, it is the only healthy meal that these youth will enjoy. This is a cooking class beyond cooking classes. We teach how to prepare everything from scratch– including pasta, ice-cream, and bread. For example, we buy the wheat-berries, grind them into flour and then make fresh pasta. We strive to be 100% organic. Our members get to go shop with the program director to select the ingredients for the days meal. Most of the Mana Foods employees know who the PYCC staff and members are and often help with the selections. Youth are introduced to new foods and the nutritional value of different food groups.” -Susun White (Paia Youth and Cultural Center)

We are so very grateful to be part of the Maui community and to have your continued support! Winning this award is so special to us, mahalo from all of us at Mana Foods!
