Things I Overheard at Mana, and So Glad I Did ... There's A First Time For Everything!

Here's the second addition to the blog series "Things I Overheard at Mana, and So Glad I Did"

Considering the plethora of interesting daily occurrences that take place at Mana, we feel this series of short stories is long overdue, and hope you enjoy! 

There's A First Time For Everything! 

I was about to enter Mana, when I noticed a man and a woman talking outside of the store. They exchanged a hug and the man said, "Wow! You look great, I've never seen you with your clothes on." I paused, and felt confused, but the only option was to walk on into the store. 

By Haley Ferguson | 4/11/16 | Short Stories From Mana Foods
