November's Bag Credit earnings are all for Project Gift... Here's why...

Image from Project Gift’s Website

Image from Project Gift’s Website

Mana Foods is so happy to be donating to Project Gift through our bag credit program. Every time you bring your own shopping bag to Mana Foods during the month of November we will donate a portion of your bill to this incredible organization.

Image from Project Gift’s Website

Image from Project Gift’s Website

Why you ask? Well, a million little reasons, but mainly that we believe so much in this organization’s mission…

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“To ‘give the gift of love and hope’ to our less fortunate island keiki by blessing them with a gift at Christmas. It is our desire to extend God's love to our community by modeling a culture that lives and breathes the Aloha Spirit. We believe that no child should go without knowing that they are loved and that they can have hope in a GOD who saves, heals and restores!” -Project Gift

How it all started and what Project Gift is all about…

”My name is Aubrey Anana and I am the co-founder and coordinator for Project Gift Maui. Project Gift was birth out of a desire to make a difference in the lives of Maui keiki. Honestly, the heart of this organization started at my home while my husband and I were talking about how we believe that we can see positive change on this island if our people, community and businesses united to take care of those that ‘go without’. We then came up with this concept of putting on a community event which would provide an avenue for different people, businesses, churches etc. to come together to bless our Maui keiki.”-Project Gift

This year’s event will be held on December 8th at the Hale Ho'ike'ike (formerly known as Bailey House Museum).

And, beyond supporting this organization through Mana Food’s bag credit program you can also donate in several different ways. Please see below for details.

We are so honored to support this wonderful foundation through our bag credit program. Cheers to the season of giving!

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