September's bag credit earnings to be donated to The Maui Strong Fund

This month's bag credit earnings are being donated to The Maui Strong Fund.

We are deeply saddened by the loss and devastation the recent fires have brought to our island home. In addition to several other efforts to support our community we are donating all of September’s bag credit earnings to The Maui Strong Fund.

The Maui Strong Fund is providing financial resources to support the immediate and long-term recovery needs for the people and places affected by the devastating Maui wildfires.

HCF is working in close collaboration with state and county leaders, nonprofit organizations, and community members to get an understanding of the quickly evolving priorities. HCF has a four phase approach to disaster response: click here.

HCF will not be collecting a fee for donations to the Maui Strong Fund; 100 percent of the funds will be distributed for community needs.

Please consult the following links for more information. If you still have questions, contact Donor Services at or (808) 566-5560.” -HCF

In order to help support this cause, please participate in the Mana Foods bag credit program when you shop at Mana…

Every month Mana Foods donates to a different local organization. It’s really easy to participate: whenever you bring your own grocery bag (any kind of bag) to Mana Foods, you receive a bag credit. You can donate this or take it off your bill.

Big love to our community who shows us daily that we are all in this together.