Meet Veriditas Botanicals, Where Organic Is The celebrated Norm & Environmentally Green Business Practices Are A Guarantee!
"Ask anyone what an essential oil is and you’re bound to get some vague responses, all of which tend to revolve around aroma. The surprising truth is the average American consumes essential oils every single day. They are everywhere. Whether distilled or extracted, essential oils are in your soaps, lotions, food, breath mints, even soda. Those 23 magical flavors in Dr. Pepper? Essential oils." -Veriditas Botanicals
At Mana Foods We Pride Ourselves on Choosing Wisely When It Comes To The Quality of Products and The Integrity of Business Practices. Our Vitamin Room Is Stacked With Products That Have Made The Cut, Which Is Exactly Why We Proudly Carry Veriditas Botanicals Line of 100% Organic Essential Oils.
With a plethora of essential oil options, we thought we'd tell you a bit about why we say YES to Veriditas Botanicals.
"According to Melissa Farris (the founder of Veriditas Botanicals), 99% of essential oils manufactured are made for the commercial food and fragrance industry. They are sitting on the shelves of your average grocery store, not just next to the ear candles at MaMa Jean’s. These essential oils, highly altered with chemical enhancers and preservatives, have been stripped of their healing benefits, reduced to flavor and texture, and cranked out for the consumer by a misguided industry. If you take a look at the numbers, this isn’t just an unfortunate practice; it is a threat to the environment."
"From farm to pharmacy, our relationships are the cornerstone of how and why we do business." -Veriditas Botanicals
"If organic land management and artisanal quality are important to you, then support organic essential oils and discover the healing difference."
A few good reasons that Mana Foods is a believer in Veriditas Botanicals...
- "We believe that when we support small organic farms we are taking a revolutionary stand to promote healing of our bodies, the earth, and local economies."
- "We are the first essential oil line to embody the Co-op Trade Movement on every level of business, and everyone we do business with."
- "We are an active member of a Co-op in Provence, France. Over 85% of our oils come from our Co-op; the remainder are sourced directly from organic farmers and distillers.
- "We are an intentionally small, Minnesota based company. We work exclusively with Co-ops and independent retailers; and they have made us a leading essential oil line in the United States."
- "We are the only major essential oil line that does not sell retail to consumers; we send all customers to our retail partners."
- "We do not work with essential oil brokers. Our direct relationships with farmers and distilleries allows us to provide the freshest, highest grade essential oils available in the USA at prices that are up to 30% less than the leading competition."
- "We feature highly effective condition specific Wellness Formulas."
- "Our education program creates inspired salespeople; able to share valuable information with your community. Melissa Farris, owner, is available for trainings."
- "We support sales growth with at least two line drives per year at a 20% discount."
- "We supply to quality, respected manufacturers such as FES, and several other nationally distributed brands."
“We’re in an essential oil craze right now. The industry has seen crazes come and go and I don’t know what’s going to happen next. But I hope people learn how to use these oils as tools and use them wisely. If customers select quality, we can see a beautiful change in the future.”
A. Whitaker